Have you got what it takes?![]() As one season of sports ends, another begins and with it holds a great many lessons for business, leaders and the community about the commitment, attitude and courage that it takes to perform at your best and achieve outstanding goals. What does it take to achieve at a world class level? To even compete requires a focus that is seldom found in other arenas. From the Wallabies world record holding George Gregan to the new and youngest members like Barrick Barnes, it is more than just a spark that helps them win. In watching and listening to these individuals, there is a common thread that runs through them all. It is as simple as three W’s, but it’s by no means easy. This can be presented as a three part model--Why, What, and Will—and you can harness it to achieve your own success and reach your own goals. Generally when seeking success or setting goals the what is the W that gets the attention first. What is it that we want to do? This can be anything from running a marathon, to achieving a promotion, or having a happy life. The key to achieving your what is to be able to clearly articulate exactly what is it you want. The athletes are able to see, hear, feel and smell the experience they are intending to create. They know in advance how it will BE. Did you notice the intensity in the Rugby World Cup players before each game? They were rehearsing it in their head. Even though the what is the thing that we automatically jump to, without a why it will only be a very shallow success, if it achieved at all. It is my belief that in fact the why should come first. I have seen the benefits for individuals that understand who they are and why they make the choices they do. They then link in the appropriate what in order to more fully express the why. So you know what you want and why you want it, so it there anything left. Yes. Will! This is not willpower but the opposite of won’t. Will is a choice (just like most other things) and you need consciously make the choice and commitment to see your goal through. I wonder how far our leaders in sport, business and life would have gotten if they had not had the will to stick with it. So there you have it! Why not pick one thing this week that you will apply the what, why, will model with. If you liked this post, give me a call to discuss what your business needs in relation to this article. Go For It! Jane |