Inspire To Be Your BestImagine you're travelling on a boat down a river or across an ocean. It might be a powerboat, a sailing boat or any other kind you choose... ...if you just let the current carry you along, you might be lucky and reach your desired destination, or more than likely you'll arrive somewhere different that may not be where you want to get to[...] If, on the other hand, you rely on engine power, plot your journey in detail and steer a straight course, you might find that the currents or winds still take you off course. And if you decide to go up stream or against the current this is likely to be hard work, you'll use more fuel, meet oncoming traffic and encounter resistance. Then again, you might be a passenger on someone else's boat and see interesting sights along the journey yet not get the opportunity to stop and explore the places you'd most like to visit. Imagine instead letting the current take you in the general direction and, at the same time, making choices about how you steer the boat. This way you get to make adjustments to your journey - maybe you'll take a detour, explore new territory, stop off along the way, get the boat checked out, refuel and choose where you want to go next. Occasionally you might encounter obstacles like bad weather or engine trouble and these can be overcome, and valuable lessons learned, when you balance the pull of the current with your own will and actions. The skipper who ignores the currents and weather conditions will struggle to reach his destination and the skipper who doesn't steer the boat well will drift out to sea and may never get to where he wants. But the skipper who balances both will enjoy the journey and arrive with the boat intact. You're Much More Than You Think!Author
Jane Galbraith is the Owner of Market Route Mapping, Non Executive Director, Board & Committee Member and a Business mentor with Scottish Chambers of Commerce. She writes and speaks about developing staff and growth in businesses. Follow her on Twitter at @RetailMapping |